Das „Thermometer des Planeten Erde“ geht in Betrieb: OroraTech startet ersten eigenen Satelliten mit SpaceX


Today, OroraTech has taken a crucial step by launching their first thermal-infrared camera, designed to quickly capture and transmit critical information to decision makers on the ground. The data will be integrated with their existing wildfire intelligence service, significantly enhancing detection speed and precision for clients around the globe. Over the coming years, the company’s space-based cameras will provide new and improved insights for the mitigation of natural disasters.

Planet Earth Gets a Thermometer: OroraTech Launches First Dedicated Satellite With SpaceX


Today, OroraTech has taken a crucial step by launching their first thermal-infrared camera, designed to quickly capture and transmit critical information to decision makers on the ground. The data will be integrated with their existing wildfire intelligence service, significantly enhancing detection speed and precision for clients around the globe. Over the coming years, the company’s space-based cameras will provide new and improved insights for the mitigation of natural disasters.