Carbon Data Product

Our latest development leverages our global wildfire and burnt area dataset together with a newly developed Above Ground Biomass Product to provide additional insights on fire-related changes in biomass and on the integrity of related carbon credits.

Data for a Sustainable Earth

Carbon Data Product is based on an Above Ground Biomass (AGB) Estimation system. This tool is designed to measure the amount of living organic matter above the ground, including trees, shrubs, and other plant life. 

It serves a crucial role for various industries, assisting entities in inventory monitoring, disclosing ESG impacts, developing climate change policies, and validating carbon offset projects.

Under the hood of the Carbon Data Product

The AGB estimation system operates by leveraging advanced remote sensing technology. It combines dense multispectral data from satellites with a LiDAR-data trained algorithm to accurately estimate above ground biomass.

Provide transparency on the integrity of carbon credits

Improve project transparency by leveraging OroraTech’s wildfire Earth observation data and algorithms.

Global Coverage and Scalability

Continuously monitor Above Ground Biomass globally and at scale.

Assess the integrity of carbon credits before and after fire events

Accurately account for the effects of wildfires on the integrity of carbon credits.

Accessing via the Wildfire Solution platform or API

Our Carbon Data Product enhances its functionality by integrating real-time monitoring and a comprehensive petabyte-archive of global wildfire events.

This vast dataset includes details of active fires, burned areas, and ground truth data. This integration is crucial for calculating the carbon loss due to wildfires, ensuring a more accurate and reliable assessment of carbon credits and environmental impacts, and forecast future risks to biomass volume.

The system processes our data through a deep learning model, producing near-real-time maps of biomass density. The maps are then aggregated quarterly to enhance estimation accuracy. 

The entire process is streamlined and accessible through an API, making integration into existing workflows seamless.

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Find out more about our offering for each industry​

  • Commercial Forestry: Assisting with sustainable forest management and wood product inventory.
  • Biofuel Producers: Using carbon data for precise inventory monitoring.
  • Large Corporations: Leveraging data to report on their environmental. impact, particularly in terms of carbon storage and ESG initiatives.
  • Government Agencies: Utilizing data for climate change mitigation policies implementation and enforcement.
  • Carbon Project Developers & Carbon Certification Companies: Assessing data for project development and validation, aiding a transparent and accurate creation of carbon credits.